
LMS Migration: How to move from an Old LMS to a New LMS

Migrating your LMS can be as tedious as moving to another house. LMS migration is a complicated and expensive process involving a lot of complex steps and can get tougher if not done properly. If you are planning to move from an old LMS to a new one, don’t fret. We will help you in migrating your LMS by providing you a step-by-step plan to ease up the process.

Data migration is a crucial process. The new LMS you plan on using can have a different technical infrastructure or certain limitations that you need to be mindful of. Losing valuable data in the process should not be the cost you end up paying for an LMS upgrade.

The best LMS migration strategy is to choose an LMS provider that provides migration services as well to avoid the interference of third parties. Edly is one such LMS provider and has helped many clients in migrating their LMS successfully. 

Before we talk about the hows of the LMS migration process, let’s discuss the whys. Here’s why organizations end up changing their LMS.

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Common Reasons for Changing LMS

The first and most important thing is to figure out why you want to change your existing LMS. Having a faulty LMS can affect the entire system leading to further complexities and loss of resources. Hence, you must identify the possible reasons for changing your LMS. We have listed down the most common reasons that lead to an LMS migration.

Common Reasons for Changing LMS Infographics

  • Outdated LMS

It is common for custom learning management systems to get obsolete. The eLearning industry is moving at a fast pace, and some modifications need to be done regularly. The software’s functionality can be compromised if you haven’t hired a team of developers to modify your software.

In such a situation, Edly offers two LMS solutions: a custom-made LMS with a dedicated development team catering to your system’s needs and our tried and tested, off-the-shelf SaaS-based product with all the features of a reliable modern LMS. You must decide between the two options while migrating your LMS to a new system by considering your budget and requirements.

  • Complex and Expensive

If your eLearning platform is hard to navigate for learners, it will become hard to sustain. For using any platform, ease of use comes first for the users. If despite doing everything correctly, your end users are coming up with queries regarding its use, then that would mean your LMS is not very user-friendly.

In such cases and after spending a lot of time and money on fixing the platform, or switching to another user-friendly LMS like Edly becomes the only viable solution. 

  • Limited Features

There could be a high chance of being unsatisfied with the unavailability of many useful features on your existing LMS. Limitations in your LMS can restrict you from creating top-quality online courses

It can prove to be a roadblock for you in achieving a competitive advantage over your competitors. Switching to another LMS with more features catering to your needs and requirements could be a viable option for you.

Step by Step Guide for your LMS Migration Process

Once you have finally decided to switch to a new learning management system, the next step is preparing for the LMS migration process. List down all the expectations from your new LMS and then follow the step by step guide that we have provided below:

1. Create a Realistic Timeline

Create a Realistic Timeline

The first principle of any plan is to make a practical timeline that you can follow during the entire process. Your timeline should have realistic, achievable, and time-bound goals. You can make a Gantt chart for better visualization for you and your team. Consult with your new LMS providers and finalize the timeline.

2. Mapping of your Data and Features

Mapping of your Data and Features

When moving to another LMS, it is vital to map the data and features in your existing LMS that you want to shift. This step is crucial because every LMS structure and logic is different from each other. It helps you identify the data and features placed in your existing LMS and how they would be displayed in your new LMS. Moreover, this step can take a few months as every feature you migrate would require modifications in its configuration settings.

3. Data Cleaning

Data Cleaning

The best practice while migrating your data from an existing LMS to a new one is to clean your data properly. A study revealed that a company usually spends 1$ to clean their data before data migration compared to $16 to $25 after the migration process. Hence, move what you really need. It is not recommended to migrate everything to the new LMS; it will cost you more and lead to further complications and troubleshoots.

Bonus Tip: Back up all your data in your storage device.

4. Movement of Data

Great job cleaning your data; now get ready for the next step. 

Now that your data is ready to be migrated to a new LMS, it is time to organize it into logical categories. You cannot migrate your data all at once. Just like moving to a new house, first, you need to install all the essentials such as electric wires, pipes, doors, etc., and then start shifting your furniture. 

Similarly, while moving your data, there should be an order –  steps taken in a sequence to prevent issues. The first batch of your data would be the base information that would need to be installed to migrate the remaining data categories. Step by step, all categories would be migrated into your new LMS. You don’t have to stress about the technicalities. Edly will help you migrate your data in the right way.

5. Pilot Run & Quality Check

Before the actual migration process, create a prototype of your LMS with the new functionalities. Test that prototype and check for errors by running different courses on your new LMS. Once you are done with pilot testing and have fixed the possible errors, migrate the LMS data entirely to the new LMS. 

To ensure all features are working properly, conduct a quality check of all features to make sure all goals you have set before the migration, such as scalability and compatibility requirements, are met.

6. Train the Admins and End-users

Train the Admins and Users

LMS migration process is not limited to the software; training the admins, end-users, and other stakeholders is also important. The performance of an LMS is enhanced and improved if the users are following the best practices.

Ease up the LMS Migration Process with Edly

Following a guide always help in completing complex processes successfully. Get a consultation from Edly and start your LMS migration process today. Edly will ensure that your data is safely and securely migrated to your new LMS. All your requirements will be carefully considered while setting up your new LMS. For more queries and information, contact our team of experts.

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