
6 Effective Blended Learning Strategies

In the last few years, we have seen the emergence of new technology and learning models in the classroom. Whether it’s technology utilization or instructional methods, discovering what works best for each unique classroom often involves a process of trial and error. One worthwhile approach to explore in education is the blended learning model.

Blended learning requires part of the instruction to be delivered online, with the learners having some aspect of control over the learning pace, setting, or path. This is also supplemented by traditional learning in a physical classroom. This combination has proven to be quite a success, and many believe blended learning has the potential to endure and evolve into the prevailing standard.
While the premise of blended learning may sound fairly simple, incorporating the model can present some challenges. Knowing where to start is one of them. We’ve compiled some of our recommended blended learning strategies to help you get started!

Varied Instructional Methods

Differentiation is key to an effective blended learning strategy. Catering to different learning styles makes for a more inclusive classroom environment. For example, while some learners may find team-based learning to be an effective tool, others may be more comfortable with flying solo. Similarly, some students prefer lectures enhanced by visual aids, while others might find them too distracting.

A good blended learning strategy gives learners a variety of different instruction and assessment materials to choose from. This also applies to learning resources that instructors provide as the course progresses. Maintaining a balanced blend of online and in-person evaluation and feedback is also beneficial.

Flipped Classroom

The flipped classroom model is among the most impactful blended learning strategies out there. The concept of flipped classrooms is the reversal of the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content like slides, notes, and videos outside the classroom. Subsequently, the class time is spent on the discussion, application, and collaboration with the help of the materials.

With the flipped classroom, learners come more informed to the class and are able to gain a deeper understanding of the content while leveraging their critical thinking skills. It also helps accommodate different learning environments outside the classroom, for learners around the world.

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Online Discussions and Collaboration

Collaborating with peers is a fundamental aspect of any carefully designed learning intervention. Blended learning offers many ways to foster collaboration among learners, especially in a virtual environment. From spirited online discussions to group projects to peer tutoring, the applications are endless.

These activities can connect learners despite their geographical distance, allowing them to learn from each other and exchange feedback. Thanks to well-equipped online learning platforms, collaboration isn’t limited to physical classrooms, which makes an even stronger case for blended learning.

Technology and Interactive Content

The blended learning model unlocks the opportunity for instructors to integrate technology into the classroom. Learners can benefit from a lot of innovative tools out there, making it easy to access course materials and retain them. Mobile learning is just one of the examples in which blended content helps students gain easy access to lessons and materials, no matter where they are.

On top of that, LMS platforms can be integrated with the latest AI tools to help learners brainstorm ideas, understand content, and collect feedback. Another important tool blended learning can make use of is Gamification. Gamification not only captures learners’ attention but also fosters engagement in a manner that traditional classroom learning struggles to achieve.
To put it simply, integrating technology into blended learning classrooms unlocks significantly more effective avenues for learning.

6 Effective Blended Learning Strategies

Personalized Learning

The key achievement of the blended learning model is its capacity to provide learners with a high degree of flexibility. One of the ways to do so is by providing learners the opportunity to create their own learning paths. Personalized learning paths can help learners navigate the course on their own terms and, in the process, involve them deeper into the learning process. Learners get to choose the modules they study, the medium of instruction, and even the types of assessments they give.

Another way to add an element of personalization in blended learning is via the flex model. Put simply, it means that learners can choose whether to opt for in-classroom, synchronous learning, or, instead, learn at their own pace online. This is especially helpful for students struggling with learning deficiencies, who are much more likely to thrive in a customized learning environment.

Station Rotation

Of all the blended learning strategies we’ve mentioned in this article, station rotation is perhaps the most exciting one thus far. The idea is to switch learners from one type of learning activity to another after a fixed period of time. For example, while one station might be a group discussion, another might be an instructor-led station where the focus lies on building concepts.

Blended learning models would involve adding an online station to this strategy. The online station could include navigating a gamified assessment or using an AI tool to brainstorm ideas. Station rotation in blended learning helps students get a hands-on, interactive, and differentiated learning experience, which caters to all kinds of learning styles.

Execute Your Blended Learning Strategy with Edly LMS

Blended learning centers around providing flexibility and control to the learners, while equipping them with all the tools necessary to excel in their learning. Taking an active role in their own education empowers students and naturally fosters increased motivation and engagement.

Figuring out which blended learning strategies work for a particular classroom depends on a lot of factors, such as learner demographics and course content. Seeking expert opinions can help you nail down the perfect blended classroom experience. If you’d like to explore how we can assist you in incorporating blended learning into your LMS, don’t hesitate to reach out and request a demo! Or better, try our platform for free!

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