
Micro Frontend Plugin

Simplify the customizations to your Open edX frontend via Micro Frontends


Axim Collaborative


The Micro Frontend (MFE) base plugin is a powerful extension designed to facilitate the integration of micro frontend applications into your Open edX platform running with Tutor. Micro frontends enable a modular and flexible approach to front-end development, allowing for independent development, deployment, and maintenance of different parts of the user interface.
To learn more about MFEs, please check the official Open edX documentation.

This plugin provides you a set of default MFE applications that cover essential functionalities within an Open edX environment:

  1. Authn: Manages login, registration, and password reset functionality
  2. Account: Handles account-specific information for each LMS user
  3. Communications: Enables course teams to communicate with learners through bulk emails
  4. Course Authoring: Meant for course authors and maintainers, exposing features like Pages & Resources management and experimental React-based authoring tools
  5. Discussions: Updates the discussions UI with a new look and improved features
  6. Gradebook: An instructor-only MFE for viewing individual and aggregated grade results for a course
  7. Learning: Replaces the former courseware, serving as the core part of the LMS where students follow courses
  8. ORA Grading: Streamlines the grading process for Open Response Assessments with better previews of submitted content
  9. Profile: Manages user-specific profile information, including editing and display

A wide range of users, including developers, administrators, course authors, designers, educational institutions, and custom application developers, can use the Micro Frontend base plugin for Tutor to enhance, customize, and extend the front-end capabilities of the Open edX platform.

Key Features

The key features of the Micro Frontend base plugin include:

  1. Micro Frontend Integration: The plugin allows easy integration of micro frontend applications into an Open edX platform running with Tutor; micro frontends enable a modular approach to front-end development, making it easier to manage, develop, and deploy different parts of the user interface independently
  2. Default MFE Applications: The plugin comes with a set of default MFE applications that cover essential functionalities within an Open edX environment, including authentication, account management, communications, course authoring, discussions, gradebook, learning, ORA grading, and profile management
  3. Easy Installation and Usage: Users can install and enable the plugin using simple Tutor commands (tutor plugins install mfe and tutor plugins enable mfe); the plugin provides straightforward instructions for enabling and launching micro frontends
  4. Custom MFE Management: Developers can take advantage of the plugin to deploy their own MFEs by adding configurations to the tutormfe.hooks.MFE_APPS filter; this allows for the declaration of new MFEs, specifying repositories, ports, and optional version information
  5. Configuration and Customization: The plugin supports configuration and customization of MFEs, including the ability to disable individual MFEs, add custom translations, and customize logos; developers can also install custom components, headers, footers, and brand packages for MFEs
  6. Development Mode: The plugin supports running MFEs in development mode, allowing developers to test and modify MFEs easily; this includes the ability to bind-mount custom forks of MFEs for development purposes
  7. Uninstallation: The plugin provides clear instructions for uninstalling, including disabling the plugin and manually removing certain settings related to MFEs




This Tutor plugin is maintained by Axim Collaborative. Community support is available from the official Open edX forum. Do you need help with this plugin? See the troubleshooting section from the Tutor documentation.


This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL).



Last updated:

11th Dec, 2023

